Calibration is the process of comparing a device to a measurement standard. Calibration will provide you with the “deviation” of your device, or how far it has drifted from its nominal value, whether it be a volt, an ampere, or a field measurement.
The measurement standard itself has been calibrated by an even more precise standard, and this process is repeated until calibrations are linked. Intermediate checks, or equipment verifications, are measurements performed at shorter time intervals than your calibration cycle to ensure that the device remains within acceptable performance limits. This is an often-overlooked but vital step in maintaining accurate measurements for users. This process can help detect errors in your measurement chain.
Our service offering includes the calibration of measurement devices for EMC and microwave applications, such as spectrum analyzers, receivers, wattmeters, oscilloscopes, field probes, antennas, ESD guns, clamps, calibration jigs, RSIL, and more. We collaborate with specialized accredited European laboratories.